Important Revisions to Japanese Training and HR development support subsidies. Revisions to the human resource development support subsidy from September have been published by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW). These are essential resources to assist companies, large and small, to further training, worker skills upgrading, HR development upgrading, etc.
The source materials, available only in Japanese, are here.
Verse Corporation publishes articles on timely issues in Japanese Social Welfare and Labour Law.
As noted earlier, the sources of recent news and information from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) website are mostly in Japanese. However, there is an English MHLW site that provides some basic information. If there are English sources, Verse endeavors to provide them.
The procedures and documentation required to apply for such subsidies are complex, even for Japanese companies, and must of course be handled in Japanese. As with all social welfare and labour law matters in Japan, however, please seek out professional Sharoushi support to ensure you and your company remains in compliance.
HR Development and Training Subsidies Details.
Human resource development support subsidy (specific training courses, general training courses, educational training leave granting courses, special development training courses, human investment promotion courses)
The detailed pamphlets, payment guidelines, and list of application documents (checklist) for the following courses have also been updated to those from September onwards.
Specific training course, general training course
Educational training leave, etc. grant course
Special Training Course
Course to promote investment in people
The contents of the revision are as follows.
Change in training facility requirements (common to all courses)
Omission of documents to be submitted (common to all courses)
Change in flat-rate training requirements (investment promotion course for people)
Changes in requirements for OJT training instructors (investment promotion course in people)
Change in requirements for systems such as short working hours for education and training (investment promotion course for people)
Changes to OJT implementation requirements (human investment promotion course, specific training course, special development training course)
Changes in requirements for training facilities
The requirement to exclude facilities established by persons who are recognized to have a relationship with the applicant business owner will be abolished, and the following facilities will also be eligible.
Facilities established by relatives within the third degree of the applicant business owner (including directors)
Facilities established by the directors of the applicant business owner
Facilities established by workers employed by the applicant business operator
A facility established by a group business operator that conducts training without targeting unspecified persons
Facilities of another corporation established by the applicant business owner
Facilities established by the representative director of the applicant as a sole proprietorship
Omission of documents to be submitted
Documents showing that the simultaneous two-way communication training was conducted, which was required to be submitted when applying for payment when conducting simultaneous two-way communication training (logs showing the attendance status of the trainees, training Screenshots taken of students at the time of taking the course, etc.) can be omitted.
Changes in flat-rate training requirements
The following four points have been changed.
Flat-rate services (subscription-type training services) for which the first day of the contract period has already arrived are eligible for subsidies
Relaxing the number of education and training courses that have been completed from among the flat-rate services that were required to be “two or more” to “one or more”
Abolish the requirement that only one contract is eligible for payment if the contract period overlaps and multiple different flat-rate services are used.
In addition to services provided by e-learning, services provided by simultaneous two-way communication training are also subject to subsidies.
Changes in requirements for OJT training instructors
The total number of years of practical experience as a person who has a qualification (ITSS level 2 or higher) or as an information processing / communication engineer will be relaxed from “10 years or more” to “5 years or more”
Changes in the requirements for systems such as short working hours for education and training
Two things have changed:
Relaxation of the number of times the system is applied from 30 times to 1 time
When exempting from overtime working hours, the requirement for the applicable person to be “a person whose average overtime working hours is 15 hours or more for the three months preceding the day before the first day when the system was applied.” abolished
Changes in OJT implementation requirement
The requirement for the number of trainees that OJT training instructors can instruct in one day has been abolished.
Topic: Important Revisions to Japanese Training and HR development support subsidies.