Notes and caution about Verse and our Articles.
- As Japanese Sharoushi (Certified Japanese Labor and Social Security Attorney), Verse Corporation endeavors to prioritize and accurately summarize recent government introductions and updates to labor law and Social Welfare Guidelines. However, we do not accept any responsibility for inaccuracies in our materials, nor for any consequences of readers relying on our materials.
- *Verse Corporation publishes articles on timely issues in Japanese Social Welfare and Labour Law.Japanese payroll, source deductions, and all labor law work & pay rules regarding compensation, social insurance, absenteeism & sick leave, etc. require strict adherence. Labor/employment law can be complex, even for Japanese companies, and must be handled mostly in Japanese. As with all social welfare and labor law matters in Japan, please seek out professional Sharoushi (Certified Labor and Social Security Attorney.)*
- The bulk of the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) announcements are in Japanese. There are some general materials on the English site, however it tends to
- reflect only basic information. Please always seek out a local Japanese Sharoushi for an accurate interpretation of these complex rules and laws.
Verse provides this list of outside website resources relating to Japanese Labour law and Social Welfare as a courtesy to our website visitors.
MHLW. Japan Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
MHLW YouTube Channel – All Japanese but might be helpful.
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is a cabinet level ministry of the Japanese government. It is commonly known as Kōrō-shō in Japan. The ministry provides services on health, labor and welfare.
It was formed with the merger of the former Ministry of Health and Welfare or Kōsei-shō and the Ministry of Labour or Rōdō-shō. The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare is a member of the Cabinet and is chosen by the Prime Minister, typically from among members of the Diet.
The ministry contains the following sections:
- The Minister’s Secretariat (including the Statistics and Information Department)
- The Health Policy Bureau
- The Health Service Bureau
- Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau (including the Food Safety Department)
- The Labour Standards Bureau (including the Industrial Safety and Health Department, Workers Compensation Department, and Workers’ Life Department)
- The Employment Security Bureau (including the Employment Measures for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Department)
- The Human Resources Development Bureau
- The Equal Employment, Children and Families Bureau
- The Social Welfare and War Victims’ Relief Bureau (including the Department of Health and Welfare for People with Disabilities)
- The Health and Welfare Bureau for the Elderly
- The Health Insurance Bureau
- The Pension Bureau
JILPT. Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
JILPT, or the Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, is a government-related organization. The objective of The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training is to contribute to the planning of labor policies and work toward their effective and efficient implementation, as well as to promote the livelihood of workers and develop the national economy by conducting comprehensive research projects on labor issues and policies, both domestically and internationally, and capitalize on the findings of such research by implementing training programs for administrative officials.
ILO. International Organization. Japan Membership
The only tripartite U.N. agency, since 1919 the ILO brings together governments, employers and workers of 187 member States , to set labour standards, develop policies and devise programmes promoting decent work for all women and men.
The main aims of the ILO are to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue on work-related issues.
*Please note that this is not intended to be an exhaustive list. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the content of any of these sites. We do not assume any responsibility whatsoever for use of these resources.